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PEACH Kickoff Event
PEACH Kickoff Event
HomeTrail Life USA

Trail Life

Do you believe in loyalty, courage, and kindness? Would you like to form habits that will surely make your success in life?  Then, whether you be farm boy or city girl there is a place for you in scouting.  PEACH supports several scouting programs for our home schooling families.



PEACH supports a Trail Life program. Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character, and leadership program for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible. You must be a homeschooler and be a member of PEACH to join this troop.  Meetings are on Tuesday evenings in Plano.
Visit TrailLife226 for more information or contact:
Troy Taylor, Charter Org Representative - you may contact him at  


Information and links on the PEACH web site does not necessarily indicate endorsement by PEACH.  Information is provided to PEACH members to assist in home schooling their children. PEACH members are expected to verify information and investigate for themselves whether information from these links would be appropriate for their particular family situation.

Below is a recent interview with Focus on the Family and CEO of Trail Life, USA, Mark Hancock
